Author name: Bluebird Pest

Fairfax Homeowners’ Complete Guide To Effective Cockroach Control

Did you know that cockroaches are one of the most dangerous pests that you could find in your Fairfax home? While you’ve likely heard that cockroaches are disgusting, they are much worse than you may know.

For one thing, cockroaches are incredibly hardy and hard to remove. They can survive the application of many different chemicals, and some can even live for up to a week without having heads. They are also rather prolific and can survive on even small bits of food.

In this guide, you’ll learn why cockroaches are such a problem when they invade homes and also get some of the most effective prevention measures.

The Ultimate Wasp Control Guide For Fairfax, VA Property Owners

As your summer season comes to an end, it’s time to take stock of stinging insects in and near your yard. Nothing ruins your day like being stung by crowds of angry wasps! Wasp stings are extremely painful and can be quite dangerous for people who are allergic. Before your family gets stung, follow this guide to find out why stinging insects appear in your yard and how to prevent them.

How To Keep Paper Wasps Away From Your Fairfax Lawn

As much as we’d like to believe our properties are immune to outdoor pests, there’s little we can do to stop insects from finding our lawns too irresistible to ignore. Outside is a free game for wildlife, no matter how domestic the neighborhood and dangerous infestations like paper wasps will turn a backyard barbecue into a trip to the ER in no time at all. Protection and prevention are crucial, of course, but how can you make that possible on your Fairfax property?

How Dangerous Is It To Have Honey Bees On My Fairfax Property?

It is natural to be afraid of insects that cause pain. Honey bees are no exception. These plump, fuzzy, pollen collectors regularly come onto properties and occasionally hurt people with their painful stingers. The question is, how dangerous is it to have honey bees on your Fairfax property? We have your answer today along with some interesting facts you probably didn’t know about these pests.

How To Protect Yourself & Your Property From Ticks In Fairfax

Here in Fairfax, we face all sorts of different pests. However, few are as unsettling as ticks. That’s because ticks can latch onto us and suck our blood without us ever knowing. What’s worse, in doing so, they can transmit a number of harmful blood-borne illnesses. As such, you need to know the steps you can take to make your property less hospitable to ticks and tick-carrying wildlife. You should also know some tips to keep from picking up ticks when you venture out into the great outdoors.

The Best Way To Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Fairfax, VA Property

The majority of insects and creatures aggravate people, but mosquitoes would probably top a list of those most annoying. If you dare to go outdoors, these bugs are almost guaranteed to flock to you. They will put in a persistent effort to get to your skin and absorb your blood. If they reach their goal, you’ll undoubtedly have red bites all over your body. The welts will be so itchy, you won’t be able to keep yourself from scratching them. That’s not even the worst of it though.

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