Why Do I Have Mice In My Fairfax Home?

There isn’t much about mice that humans do not know. These furry creatures have been under study for centuries by some of the most intelligent people on earth. In these studies, they found that mice are not just smart, they’re also adept at achieving goals put in place for them. They use these unique skills to invade homes here in Fairfax. If you have not taken the time to research mice for yourself and are looking for some practical ways to keep these pests out of your living areas, here is what you should know.

What Mice Invade
Fairfax Homes?

When talking about invasive mice, one species is far more prevalent than all the rest. They are called house mice, and they are known worldwide for being the most common home-invading rodents. What makes these pests so invasive? Maybe it has to do with their dexterity and ability to climb. It might also be because of their high intelligence and adaptability. It certainly helps that they, like other rodents, have sharp front incisor teeth that can chew through wood, plastic, vinyl siding, and a number of different materials. All in all, house mice are better equipped to get into homes than other area rodents.

Things That Attract Mice To A Home

Mice are drawn inside by three things: food, water, and shelter. If your living areas provide house mice with these three basic necessities, they will be much more likely to come indoors. To help you identify these attractants around your home, here are a few things to pay attention to:

What Mice Invade
Fairfax Homes?

Homes deteriorate over time; this is a simple fact of life. If you do not keep up with general maintenance around your house, exterior cracks, gaps, and other entry points will open up. Mice use these openings to squeeze their way inside. Some of the most common ways these pests invade include underneath loose-fitting doors, through ripped or torn screening, through gaps or cracks in a foundation, or through an open window or door.

Ten Prevention Tips For Mice

In order to effectively prevent mice, you have to both limit their access to food, water, and shelter and eliminate ways for them to get inside. To do this, here are ten practical prevention tips you need to know.

How Professionals Handle Mice

There is no easy way to eliminate mice, that is, without hiring a professional. To have an infestation of these pests removed from your Fairfax home, get the experts at Bluebird Pest Solutions involved. We have the industrial-grade traps, bait, and treatments needed to effectively get and keep these pests out of your living areas.

Call us today to learn more about our comprehensive rodent control offerings and find out which will work best to solve your mouse problems. Learn more about our home pest control and commercial pest control solutions.

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