How To Get Rid Of Yellow Jackets On Your Fairfax Property
Although we generally enjoy participating in outdoor activities during warmer summer months, the presence of stinging insects is a drawback. Bees, wasps, and others often build nests on properties in residential neighborhoods. Two of the most common types of wasps include paper wasps and yellowjackets.
Yellowjackets often form large colonies with many members who assume designated roles and responsibilities to support the group. For example, workers that source food or defend the nest. In nature, yellowjackets play a useful role as pollinators and help to reduce the number of many other unwanted pests.
Yellowjackets exist in approximately 16 different species in the U.S. They may construct underground or aerial nests that are composed of a papery material.
Are you struggling with getting rid of yellow jackets in Fairfax? Reach out to a Fairfax pest control company that understands what will keep yellow jackets away from the property.